Gympie Regional Council, Queensland

Supply and installation of Delta Solar Lights with Promenade Pole
Supply and installation of Delta Solar Lights with Promenade Pole

The area was not serviced by mains power supply. To install mains power supply would be expensive and also require the removal of significant vegetation.

Two solar lights were required by the council to illuminate the pathway in Gympie, Queensland, from Grevillea Gardens to Heather Street. These were required to improve night time use, as the pathway is a trunk pedestrian route for the Southside. A section of the pathway had no street lighting for approximately 500 metres.

Our Solution

Supply and installation of Delta Solar Lights with Promenade Pole.


A successful integration of solar lighting in an area without access to an existing elecrical supply. The path has provided pedestrians with a well lit pathway to ensure that users feel safe on walkway that experiences regular use during night time hours. 


“We used the Saferoads integrated solar lighting in a location that didn’t have an existing network electrical supply. This option provided a solution to illuminating a section of pathway that experienced regular night use. The lights have been in place for 2 years now and we have experienced positive results.”

G. Alexander, Gympie Regional Council



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